A Light in the Darkness
By: Dierdre L. McCool, Butterfield Foundation Vice President
“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)
Early Christians turned the world upside down when it came to fulfilling Christ’s command to care for the sick. Love so characterized the early Church that Tertullian reported Romans would exclaim, “See how they love one another!” When a devastating plague swept across the ancient world in the third century, Christians were the only ones who cared for the sick, which they did at the risk of contracting the plague themselves. Meanwhile, pagans were throwing infected members of their own families into the streets even before they died in order to protect themselves from the disease.
Today, many Christians continue to risk their lives to bring hope and healing to the sick and dying in some of the poorest countries on earth. Butterfield Memorial Foundation (BMF) actively collaborates with organizations advancing the Kingdom through funding and encouragement. In 2019, BMF staff conducted site visits to several ministries who have received funding from BMF in the past. We plan to visit others later this year.
During a visit to Burundi, Shelly Goodnight, BMF Grant Committee Chair, Dierdre McCool, BMF Vice President, and Jennifer Richardson, Director of Programs, participated in the Widow and Orphan Conference hosted by Sister Connection. We had the opportunity to visit several of the widow’s homes.
A visit to Kibuye Hospital was inspirational. The group learned how Busoma was made and had the opportunity to tour the hospital and see the community where all the missionaries live. A new pediatric wing is under construction.
A visit was made to Hope Africa University to see how the solar power project funded by BMF was coming along.
During our visit to the Van Norman Clinic in Bujumbura, we saw the ongoing need for expanded maternity services and the excellent training provided to the staff.
In January 2020, Hal Hoxie, President of BMF, and his wife, Kathy, along with Anita and Sarah Baird, traveled to India to participate in the dedication of the Eric Hostel at UMRI Hospital and participate in graduation at Immanuel University.
If you are aware of a non-profit, Christian healthcare organization that is in need of funding, just direct them to our website to complete a Letter of Inquiry at butterfieldfoundation.org.