Life and Light Article Promotes Our Fellowship and Fall Retreat

By Norm Wetterau

Jeff Finley wrote an excellent article on our fellowship and upcoming retreat for Life and Light titled FM Health Fellowship Connect and Inform. Read it HERE.

Send this link to others and ask them to sign up for our newsletters on We want to add several hundred more healthcare professions to our mailing list. We have so many doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals in our churches but they say they have never heard of our group. Now they have but they need to be encouraged to sign up to be on our mailing list. Some may want to come to the retreat or go virtually but for others just connect them to our group. We may want to plan some regional events and need names and e-mail addresses so we can connect.

Being a member might be coming to our annual retreat, or a virtual event, reading our newsletter, writing something for it, or helping your church address the many health issues their pastors and members deal with . We also hope that our group can help our members prevent burnout and grow spiritually. This year’s retreat is on same-sex attraction but we will continue to address many other issues in the future. As the article says, our fellowship connects and informs.
