Addressing Same Sex Attraction from a Christian Perspective: Fall 2022 FMHF Retreat
Image Courtesy of TripAdvisor
Our 2022 fall retreat was a success. Around 30 people gathered to explore the theme: Addressing Same Sex Attraction from a Christian Perspective. In addition to those who attended in person, around 10 people attended virtually. Unfortunately, we were not able to record and make our programs available after the conference but will provide a brief summary here and some references.
Dr. Rodney Bassett, author of Loving From Where We Stand: A Call to Biblically Faithful Ministry with the LGBTQ+ Community is an ordained elder, has a Ph.D, and had taught psychology and human sexuality at Roberts Wesleyan for many years. He provided an overview of homosexuality through the eye of a Christian psychologist. The question is often asked: is same-sex attraction genetic, or inherited, or is it related to early childhood experience? He presented various studies including twin studies that did not give a single answer. All these and other factors were involved. He also spent considerable time talking about how the younger generation views the issue. For many they see the nonacceptance of those with same-sex attraction and relationships as a justice issue. This issue also came up later when same-sex marriage was discussed. He recommended 2 books to give additional information, including Douglas E. Rosenau’s A Celebration of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God’s Gift of Sexual Intimacy, which is a general introduction to a Christian view of sexuality (both editions are great), as well as any book by Mark Yarhouse, though the members of your association may be especially intrigued by Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture.
Rev. Bruce Cromwell is the author of Loving From Where We Stand: A Call to Biblically Faithful Ministry with the LGBTQ+ Community as well as an ordained elder, and has a Ph.D. His book is available at Life and Light Press, as well as on their website where one can listen to a podcast about the book and read an excellent summary by Jeff Finley. Although we do not have recordings on our retreat sessions, the book, podcast and summary will provide much information.
In the discussion at the retreat, the group struggled with the issue. Most agreed that God intended sexual activity to be between a man and women in marriage. On the other hand, simply having same sex attraction is not a sin. Also there can be much sin in heterosexual relationships. Everyone should be welcome in a church, even though the church may not approve of all that they do. The church is about forgiveness, yet one does not define forgiveness by saying that all they are doing is fine. The church is to draw all people to Jesus. We do not have to approve of all that everyone does but we are also not to judge them when there are no innocent parties being hurt that need protection. Those who are in same sex relationships are welcome in our churches although maybe not in a leadership role. A chapter in Rev. Bruce Cromwell’s book discusses this in detail. Those who come having been married outside the church are to be recognized as legally married, but the church will not marry them. Here marriage is a legal issue.
It was noted that churches can have three views toward homosexuality. One is to condemn and judge it. Those in same-sex relationships are not welcome at these churches. A second view is affirming what they are doing. But there is a third alternative, and our church is a leader in this: acceptance without affirming. Our church cannot affirm their choices or perform same sex marriages. However, we accept them as children of God and invite them to fellowship and grow as Christians in our churches. Their activity is not the unforgivable sin. Yet at the same time we do not promote same sex activity or marriage as some churches do. Pastor Cromwell noted that as the United Methodist Church struggles with this issue, a number of their churches really like our position. They have problems with those churches that totally affirm same sex activity and celebrate it, yet they do not want to judge and condemn these people. Our churches position allows us to accept the individuals without celebrating their activity. As the United Methodist Church struggles with this issue a number of these churches are very interested in our position since it is one of love but not of celebration of something which is outside Gods perfect will for humans.
Finally, there was a discussion of medical aspects of those with same sex activity. There is a wide spectrum of medical aspects. For those in relationship with just one person there may be few or no medical issues. Issues of having children could be an issue. For those in multiple relationships there are potentially many problems. Drug addiction is common in those with multiple partners but that is equally common in those with multiple heterosexual partners and in younger people in general. Males who have anal sex with multiple partners have a high incidence of HIV. Suicide rates are high, especially among transexual youth. Health care professionals need to be sensitive to the needs of all these individuals. They are all children of God. There was considerable discussion around all these issues.
This retreat was a time of fellowship but also sharing thoughts around these issues We want to take them back to our congregation. Our position: to accept but not celebrate is one that needs to be shared. Also consider ordering the recommended books, especially Rev. Dr. Bruce Cromwells book Loving From Where We Stand: A Call to Biblically Faithful Ministry with the LGBTQ+ Community; for your church library.